Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Utah Department of Health Survey

We received the following email from Gina Pola-Money on behalf of the Utah Department of Health. With many potential programs on the chopping block while the state legislature is in session, the information families provide is extremely valuable. The less information you give, the less likely a legislator is to make a good decision. While the NAC has not taken a position on any bill presented at this year's legislature, we feel it is important to pass along any information that may help the individuals, families and communities we serve.

January 25, 2010
Dear Families, Professionals, Friends and Advocates of Children and Youth with Special Health
Care Needs and Disabilities:

The Utah Department of Health would like your help in assessing the needs of Utah children and young adults with special health care needs and their families. Because families are the experts on what is and what is not working for them in the state and local communities, we are asking families to complete our online survey to help us gather information. You can go directly to the survey by typing http://bit.ly/4TAuFD in your web browser or you may link to the survey from our web-site at health.utah.gov/cshcn.

For this survey, a child or youth is considered as having a "special health care need" if he or she is under 22 years of age and has a physical, developmental, behavioral or an emotional condition requiring health and related services beyond those that are required by children generally. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and your answers are anonymous. If a family has more than one child with special health care needs, please feel free to fill out one survey per child.

Please forward this survey to as many families as possible! We want all voices of
families to count! This survey will close on February 12, 2010.

Thank you in advance for sharing your valuable time and expertise. The information we gather from the survey will help us better assess the needs of children and youth with special health care needs in Utah. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have at 801-584-8236 or through email at gpolamoney@utah.gov.

Gina Pola-Money, CSHCN Family
Advocate & Family Voices
Harper Randall, M.D.
MCH Medical Director
Holly Williams, MSN
CSHCN Bureau Director

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