Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Double Dip in the Park Record

The National Ability Center was mentioned in two separate articles in the Park Record newspaper today.

Patrick Parkinson's article about a local family's struggles with Autism gave Tracy Riddleberger Meier the opportunity to talk about the NAC's programs and summer camps. Tracy is the program manager for Discovery Camps and the assistant program manager for the Recreational Ski & Snowboard Program. April is National Autism Awareness Month. The NAC will be working joining Utah's Walk Now for Autism on May 2nd, and more details will be coming soon about our pariticpation in that event.

Alisha Self also wrote an article about Shelby Mustang's arrival to the NAC. She spoke with Jan Drake about the process of bringing a mustang in from the wild and training it to become a therapy horse. Jan is the Equestrian Resource Manager at the NAC. In the article you can learn about Shelby's progress since his arrival, and you will be introduced to his stallmate, Miss Etta.

Both articles are good reads! Thanks, Pat and Alisha.

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